Our programs
Our programs focus on personal and long-term leadership development, where we help you turn words into action every day. Our foundational program is LedarskapsArenan I, and for those who want to take the next step, there is an opportunity to deepen your development with LedarskapsArenan II.
Personal leadership training
The goal of the program is for you to develop as a leader, in order to be better equipped to fulfill your mission – to create results in the organization. Our experience is that you will witness personal growth within yourself, as well as in the business you lead.

Personal leader coach
You will have a personal leader coach whom you meet regularly, usually once a month for about 2 hours per session, and who will accompany you throughout the entire program. During the meetings, the leader coach will challenge you, provide you with new perspectives, encourage your progress, follow up on your activities, and what you have chosen to work on. In short, your leader coach provides you with the support you need.

The programs are based on a course material consisting of 7 chapters that provide you with current theories, essential tools, and knowledge you need to develop as a leader. Before each meeting, you will work through the material for the respective chapter on your own. Our experience shows that you should allocate approximately 45 minutes per week to the content of the course material.
Own reflection
The program is based on a course material consisting of 7 chapters that provide you with current theories, essential tools, and knowledge you need to develop as a leader. Before each meeting, you will work independently through the material for the respective chapter. Our experience shows that you will need to allocate approximately 45 minutes per week to the content of the course material.
Training in your everyday life
To develop as a leader, you need to transform knowledge and reflection into activities and practice. Numerous studies on talent versus training show that training generally has a greater impact on success than talent alone. Our experience is that you achieve the best results in your development when you train in your everyday life, in real-life situations. After each chapter, you will form your intention, which means how you plan to leverage what you have learned. It involves formulating concrete actions and how you will practice them.

Leadership skills being trained
Your own motivation Your ability to goal setting Your ability to communicate Your ability to collaborate Your ability to rally the group Your personal effectiveness Your ability to prioritize the right things Your ability to delegate
Your own
Your ability to
goal setting
Your ability to
Your ability to
Your ability to
rally the group
Your personal
Your ability to
prioritize the right things
Your ability to
Since its establishment in 2014, approximately 700 training programs have been conducted, and participants have ranged from aspiring leaders at lower levels in companies to CEOs in larger publicly traded corporations.
What does the research say about education?
- Design and implementation affect effectiveness.
- Consideration should be given to the everyday work environment.
- What happens after the training is equally important.
- Reflective assignments make a difference.
- It is crucial to have the opportunity to apply new knowledge.
- Schedule training close to when the skills will be utilized.
- Awareness of follow-up increases motivation to apply new knowledge.
- When managers/leaders clearly communicate the importance of training, it leads to increased effectiveness.
- Organizational culture matters.

Quality system
It is important for us to ensure that we maintain a high quality in what we deliver and that you, as a customer, are satisfied with your investment in leadership training. To achieve this, we continuously engage in self-learning while consistently gathering feedback from our customers.
- Continuous learning
- All leadership coaches who join us undergo our certification training
- Our network holds regular development meetings with in-depth discussions on our programs and concepts
- Competence development in leadership training methodology and coaching
- Exchange of experiences among network members